Wednesday, July 09, 2008

. . . and to godliness, brotherly kindness . . .

Continuing our study, we talked about brotherly kindness this week.

Here is the study sheet notes I handed out and a link if you want the document.

2 Peter 1:3-11

Add to Godliness, Brotherly Kindness

What is brotherly-kindness?

philadelphia n.
1) love of brothers or sisters, brotherly love
2) in the NT the love which Christians cherish for each other as brethren
3) A fervent practical caring for one another

brother in greek is adelphos : from the same womb
kindness in greek is plileo : deep affection

Other scriptures that contain this term:
Romans 12:10
1 Thes 4:9
Heb 13:1
1 Pet 1:22

Kindness causes us to bear one another’s burdens: Galatians 6:2

Another form of the word kindness (goodness, gentleness): chrēstotēs
1) moral goodness, integrity
a) Expressing God’s action towards sinners: Titus 3:3-5, Romans 11:22
b) As a virtue : 2 Cor 6:4, 6; Gal 5:22-3, Col 3:12

How is brotherly kindness different from this kindness?
How does it relate?
Why would you need godliness as a foundation for brotherly kindness? Why does this virtue come at this point in the order?

Illustration of brotherly kindness: the story of the Good Samaritan: Luke 10:30-37

Some thoughts that came out in our discussion:
  1. While the OT was heavily bloodline focused, the NT throws out the bloodlines. We are brothers and sisters in Christ, which should be a bond that is stronger than any which comes by bloodline.
  2. Brotherly kindness must forgive grievances
  3. Speaking to a brother in love about an issue you see in his life that is truly worrisome could easily end an acquaintance. It shouldn't end a true friendship. And while it may make him upset at the time, it does not normally end a sibling relationship.

    Sunni and I know a friend who is a gifted admonisher. When she sees an area where one could improve, she know just how to undergird that person. Rather than pointing out what is wrong in disapproval, it always comes across as encouragement: "you can do better than that". She's a great example of someone who walks in brotherly love.

The overlaying conclusion that we kept coming back to is this: These all should fall under brotherly kindness (or brotherly love as it's translated often in other verses) but none of them are easy, especially when comparing brothers in Christ with physical siblings. This was a challenging study.

We have a few weekends off now because of conflicts, but tune in next time when we'll add to our brotherly kindness, love.

Until then, feel free to comment on what comes to mind from this topic.

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