Monday, January 23, 2006


The movie Saved! was on TV the other day, and I feel I must confess that I watched it. Since then I've felt just a twinge of guilt but mostly regret that I wasted my time. The movie is a satire that makes fun of evangelical christians, particularly teens in a christian school, but also their parents and principle/minister. The die hards are shown to be hypocritical and shallow while the renegades are shown to be those that in the end are genuinely good. All the stereotypes are thrown out there regarding christians as well as those regarding the "normal" people in this world - that christians are wrong for being so close minded and strictly interpreting the Bible while it only makes sense that God would not be that square and loves us all however we are as long as we're genuine.

When the movie began, I got caught up in the laughter. There are seriously some truly outrageous things that evangelicals have been stereotyped as doing. The way we try too hard to make God look cool in order to coax in the lost, or how we hide from sexual education because we're afraid if we mention it, all teenagers will suddenly throw down and get busy.

As the movie progressed, though, I got tired of the cliches and the same old story people try to convince us of that christians are hypocrits and God can't possibly be as close minded as he's portrayed in the story. Even so, I couldn't turn my head away from the train wreck and wasted a good hour and a half of my life. That is why I feel I must confess, to cleanse my own conscience and to warn everyone out there that may be the least bit interested in this movie to not waste their time if for no other reason than it goes down hill fast after a briefly funny beginning to fall into an awefully lame ending.

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Thursday, January 19, 2006

What's up?

It's been a busy week.

What's up with you?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Anne Rice

A friend of mine gave me a subscription to Christianity Today for Christmas. The first issue I received had several stories about the new Narnia movie, C.S. Lewis, and an interview with Doug Gresham which were all interesting. However, hidden between these was a little article about Anne Rice that I thought very interesting.

Apparently the famous vampire novelist has undergone a renewed faith in Christ and has departed from her old ways. In fact, she has a new historical novel out called Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt that tells about Christ's childhood and the time spent in Egypt.

Anne Rice has made quite an impact on the literary world in the past and thus has a substantial following. I'm curious to hear more about this. I'm a bit surprised (should I be?) that I haven't heard more about this before. I imagine her stance on homosexuality has restricted the Christian media from promoting her much and her abandonment of vampires (she says "I'll never go back") for Jesus has restricted the secular media. Take a look at the article from Christianity Today(linked below). If anyone has read this new book or heard anything else, please pass it on to me.

Article Link

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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A Missional Life

One of the blogs I like to keep track of is by my friend, John, who is a "home missionary" to the campus of Texas A and leads Chi Alpha, the college christian group that I was part of. In his latest posts on his blog, thunk, he has been giving account of a retreat he took his students on over part of the Christmas break. This conference has completely been transformed from when I attended as a college student. It's a phenominal concept, really. Chi Alpha is affiliated with the Assembly of God denomination. Their new winter conference - called the World Mission Summit - is a cooperative effort between Chi Alpha and the World Missions department. The conference drew together over 3500 students and 400 missionaries. Missionaries taught sessions and mingled with the students as they were presented the world right there in Louisville, KY, resulting in eyes being open and commitments being made to give a year to missions. It sounds like it was a great conference. I'm a bit envious both of the conference experience and the great emphasis on missions that this denomination (in which I grew up) places. Now, as I have moved to a new town and began communing with a Church of God body, I find myself missing this piece now and then.

That aside, however, my hearing about this conference came at an appropriate time. It has helped me refocus for the new year on what I believe to be God's directive for my life as a whole - to live a missional life. That's the most important thing. In my current world, one in which we've now lived in a new town for a year and a half, have become very involved in our church, and now have a 6 month old son, I feel like I need to reevaluate how I'm doing here and how I can improve. All of these changes have been life comsuming, but it's time to refocus so that I can, through God's direction and strength, better engage my community and the world with the gospel.

I'm sure there'll be more posts about this in the future, but if anyone out there is thinking on the same lines (or different ones) and wants to comment, I'm all ears.

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Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
May everyone have a blessed 2006 - one in which you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).