Monday, January 23, 2006


The movie Saved! was on TV the other day, and I feel I must confess that I watched it. Since then I've felt just a twinge of guilt but mostly regret that I wasted my time. The movie is a satire that makes fun of evangelical christians, particularly teens in a christian school, but also their parents and principle/minister. The die hards are shown to be hypocritical and shallow while the renegades are shown to be those that in the end are genuinely good. All the stereotypes are thrown out there regarding christians as well as those regarding the "normal" people in this world - that christians are wrong for being so close minded and strictly interpreting the Bible while it only makes sense that God would not be that square and loves us all however we are as long as we're genuine.

When the movie began, I got caught up in the laughter. There are seriously some truly outrageous things that evangelicals have been stereotyped as doing. The way we try too hard to make God look cool in order to coax in the lost, or how we hide from sexual education because we're afraid if we mention it, all teenagers will suddenly throw down and get busy.

As the movie progressed, though, I got tired of the cliches and the same old story people try to convince us of that christians are hypocrits and God can't possibly be as close minded as he's portrayed in the story. Even so, I couldn't turn my head away from the train wreck and wasted a good hour and a half of my life. That is why I feel I must confess, to cleanse my own conscience and to warn everyone out there that may be the least bit interested in this movie to not waste their time if for no other reason than it goes down hill fast after a briefly funny beginning to fall into an awefully lame ending.

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1 comment:

m.d. mcmullin said...

I saw this at Blockbuster one day and almost rented it. I believe it has Macaulay Culkin in it. I don't generally care for him. I don't dislike him, I just don't care. My general apathy for him causes a repulsive magnetic force that won't allow me to watch his movies.

I haven't seen it.