Monday, August 18, 2008

Fantasy Football

I've been playing fantasy football with (pretty much) the same group of folks for the past 6 years now. They're a hodgepodge of college buddies and some relatives of one of my college friends. Our league has teams from Texas to Kansas. So, many of us meet in Dallas for draft day, but we've never had everyone all together at once. This year, I was not able to go to big D and drafted online from home. Our draft was Saturday, btw.

Here are my picks. It's a 12 team league. Every year I second guess a few of my picks. Not sure what I think about this year's lot, but I guess we'll start seeing how well I did in a few weeks:

D AndersonAQB
B Westbrook ARB
W ParkerARB
L FitzgeraldAWR
M Colston AWR
V DavisATE
N KaedingAK
E Manning RSQB
L BookerRSRB
T Jones RSRB
B BerrianRSWR
I Bruce RSWR

Another fun fact about our league is that about 1/2 of us change our name and mascot every year. Mine have ranged from having to do with my wife's profession to the weather to my family to my latest interests. Here's my team this year:
Two Wheeled Terrors

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