Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kitchen Remodel, Part IV

Things are progressing. Last week, after my post, here's what happened:

Granite was installed. Here are my helpers showing off the finished work.

Granite counter tops and sink on the island

Tile floors installed

A closer look at the floor:

Cabinet hardware installed:
door knobs

drawer pulls
island with hardware, granite, and sink
close up:

This week has seen a couple of set backs. The electricians didn't get their job done as they should have, so now we have new electricians coming tomorrow to finish up lights, outlets, wiring for the island, and "pig tails (a.k.a. plug cords) for major appliances so they can be installed. Then we can get the appliances in, the plumbing connected, and then finally have the painters come back for final touchups early next week.

Once I have some pics of what progress has happened, I'll post again.

Almost there . . . I hope!


Anonymous said...

Dude, it's been a little while since I've made it to the Land O' Nate, and for that I apologize but I just wanted to say that you kitchen is gonna look G O O D good. That really nice man. I know you guys are gonna enjoy it.



Liz said...

I've had so much fun watching the progression of your kitchen this summer. When it's all done, we'll have to come over & see the finished product in person!