Monday, August 04, 2008

Rhetorical Question of the Day

Why is temptation so tempting?

- Romans 7:15 (and surrounding verses)


L.G. Reeves said...

Because it is.

Anonymous said...

Mostly because we refuse to fully acknowledge the gravity of our sin nature - how all-encompassing it is, a disease rather than a moment my moment ailment. We "miss the mark" because our bow is warped, not because we aim in the wrong place.

So, we tend to focus on the things we shouldn't do, rather than the person we should try to be. And since the things we shouldn't do are by nature, tempting, we succomb to thinking we can change our behavior. Might work for a while, hit or miss, but in the long run it spells failure.


pepper said...

I've been wanting to comment on your blog but I know that I've picked the wrong post to comment on because it is titled "Rhetorical question of the Day"
I thought I'd try to be clever like you, let me know if I pulled it off.

I copied the dictionary's definition of:

Rhetorical question
a question asked solely to produce an effect or to make an assertion and not to elicit a reply, as “What is so rare as a day in June?”

To comment on a "rhetorical question" is to ignore the meaning of the phrase "rhetorical question"

Nathan said...

I love it!

Very clever.

Thanks for the un-comment and feel free to add real comments anytime.

Anonymous said...

short term result = fun. And we're really short sighted.

Nathan said...

I like the comment, Nick

. . . and I think you proved your point quite well! ;-)